Saturday 22 March 2014

#5 The magic of grandparents

Waiting for Nana

The magic that Grandparents can bestow on the lives of small children is not something I had really considered too much before. I always lived long distances from my Grandparents and they sadly passed away before I was old enough to appreciate them. But watching your face light up when we say that Nana and Pop, or Grandad and Lorraine, are coming to see you is a beautiful sight to behold. If we tell you too early in the day you ask constantly when they are coming, and if anyone knocks at the door you assume it is them and run excitedly to greet them.

You were recently blessed with your Nanny coming to stay for a month, from England, which gave you a chance to renew and strengthen the relationship you had built with her last summer when we visited England, and continued over FaceTime. You made the most of having a playmate who was ready and willing to read anything you wanted and play with all your toys.

I hope you continue to love and appreciate all your Grandparents as you grow.

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